Nephrology is a medical super speciality that deals with the functioning of and diseases related to the kidney. Kidneys are the sophisticated filtering unit of the body. On average, the kidney of healthy adults processes about 180 litres of blood daily to dispose of the extra water and waste material in the form of urine. Any alteration or dysfunction in the anatomy or the physiology of the kidney can cause acute or chronic renal (Kidney) diseases which can seriously affect the functioning of the entire body.
Round the clock Hemodialysis and Nephrology services are offered.
- Hemodialysis: There are around 13 machines for hemodialysis and one in MICU
- Peritoneal dialysis: Counseling, patient acceptance, options for manual or automated peritoneal dialysis and training for the same are provide with help of a special team.
- Vascular access: Patients opting for long term hemodialysis are evaluated for their vascular access, and if having problem, evaluated by a special team of vascular access specialist. This includes a nephrologists, vascular surgeon and interventional radiologist.